Android Manual Installation:
To install the correct version of ApolloGroup TV on Android box follow these steps.
1. Open your browser and enter the the URL:
2. Click Enter, and the file will start to download, when you downloading it, you will see at the top of your screen an Arrow.
3. Once download is complete you can scroll down the menu from the top using the mouse, and click on the APTV.APK Once you done that, the installation should run, if you see the installation wizard, please jump to step 6.
4. Open Google Play and install Xplore
5. Open the app, and search for the downloaded aptv.apk file. It should be under Download Folder (Please notice in picture its sstv.apk, and not aptv.apk, we updated link)
6. Once you clicked it, it should open the Install Wizard, Click on Install.
7. Once it finish Installing, click on Open
8. Use your remote to enter your Email/Username in the [Email or Username] field and then press NEXT
9. After entering your Email/Username click the NEXT Button and enter your password. And enter your password in the [Password] field (second line)
10. After entering your Password click the LOGIN Button.
Miami, Florida